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Sunday, May 7, 2017

Eight Reasons to Get Excited About Fall

By April Overall

It’s no secret that people are rather protective of summer weather. “Don’t wish it away,” they say. But for some reason, I’ve been yearning for fall all summer long. I finally took a leap of faith and told my boyfriend (because he of all people has to love me no matter what). “I’m excited for fall.” “Yes! Football season will start,” he replied. “And sweaters! And pumpkin spice lattes!” I retorted. “And …… football,” he repeated.

But we both know it’s more than sports, cozy knits and pumpkin infused drinks that tug at our heart strings. It’s the season itself. It’s cooler weather that calls for cuddling. It’s the crunch of leaves under your Hunter boots. It’s a fresh start.

Need convincing? We’ve got eight reasons to quit mourning the end of summer and start lusting after fall.

1. Grab Your Runners

Baby, you were born to run. You’ve had an inkling for ages, but at the start of summer you vowed to dust off your trainers and start the Couch to 5K program. Only….the summer sun was out and blazing…and your body just couldn’t handle all that heat. Go easy on yourself! Just because a new fitness regime didn’t pair up well at the start of summer doesn’t mean you should ditch your dreams of becoming a runner. In fact, now is the time to go all out on your fitness goals! Autumn hooks you up with cool temperatures and crisp breezes that will enable you to workout outside longer (and bring you closer to your goals!).  So whether you’ve always wanted to run a 10k or think it’s about time you learned how to rollerblade, get out there!

2. Say Cheese

Set the stage for an outrageously adorable fall photo shoot by raking the leaves in your backyard into a heaping pile. Then ask the adorable people or pets in your life to come on out and play while you snap pictures! What a lovely ode to autumn!

3. Woah, Nelly

As much as summer holidays are fun, there’s a lot of hustle and bustle involved. And sometimes you need a vacation after your vacation. There’s something to be said for slowing down, don’t you think? Start a new routine this fall that’s based on just that. Instead of pressing play on your PVR while you get ready, why not grab your breakfast and get out to sit out on the front porch to witness the changing of the leaves on your street. Or head for an after school stroll through the park with your kids to hear all about their new teacher and classmates.

4. How About Them Apples?

Spend a day at the apple orchard this September. Sip hot apple cider as you fill your basket with granny smiths and connect with the earth. Don’t forget to show off your supreme baking skills afterwards by making your signature apple crumble!

5. Help the Bats

Bats have been in some serious trouble the past few years with a disease called white nose syndrome (WNS) sweeping the nation. Entire colonies of little brown bats are being wiped out by the deadly disease. Our leading bat researcher, Karen Vanderwolf, is on the case, but what can you do? Why not create a little spot in your backyard that will welcome these winged mammals? When you monitor a bat box, you will be helping us track these precious bats.

6. Fall Back

You’ll get an extra hour when the clocks go back (unless you live in Saskatchewan, of course), so plan to spend those minutes wisely. You could sleep through it, or you could head outdoors! Plan something special – pack up some hot soup, tea and extra blankets and head for a delicious autumn picnic.

7. Boo!

Gear up for Halloween with a weekend camping excursion! Make your way to one of Canada’s amazing camping sites and tell ghost stories around the bonfire over s’mores.

8. Colour Chameleons

You could take a drive through the woods to witness the fall foliage, but better yet, dust of your bicycle and hit a bike path. Listen to the leaves crunching beneath your tires and breathe in the crisp, fresh air!

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